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UX Design Process

One process does not fit all scenarios! The 4 Principles of design process - Principles thinking; the idea is to break down complicated problems into basic elements and then reassemble them from the ground up.

1. Understand

- Work for both the employer and the user

That means gather and analyses information; Research

USER: To understand their likes, dislikes, context, needs, pain points.

COMPANY: learn business side of the project, what is the goal? What metrics will we use to measure success? What are the challenges we’re facing? What are the technical constraints?


· Competitive analysis

· Journey map

· User interview

· Stakeholder interview

· Task analysis

· User persona

· Empathy map

· Market research

Result: Reports from research with foundational takeaways and knowledge.

2. Ideate

- Prototypes: model ideas, figure out what works


· Interactive prototype

· Wireframe

· User flow

· Sketching

· References

· Brainstorming

· Mood board

· Paper prototype

Result: Prototypes that represent our ideas.

3. Test

- Testing the prototype


· Usability test

· A/B test

· Diary study

· Analytics

· Card sort

· Field study

· Heuristic evaluation

· Survey


Reports from tests with recommended solutions.

4. Implement

At this point put together the final product. Crafting the finished product. Gather enough information learned from the principles before and build the final product.

Skills and Tools used:

· UX writing

· Accessibility

· Design system

· UI design

· Forms

· Navigation

· Onboarding

· Usability

Expected result:

Full designs ready for finished product.

Keep in Mind:

Best to use iterative practice;

Above principles aren’t linear they can be done out of order

For more detailed version of the above visit What No One Explains About the Design Process | UX Tool this article is a summary of what no one explains about the design process article.


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