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FIGMA Prototype

Investigation - Understand the Project Scope and Objectives

I've started by clearly grasping the project's scope and objectives. Understanding what we aim to achieve and the constraints we're working with has been essential. Engaging with stakeholders in meetings early on has allowed me to align everyone's expectations and gather insights.


User Research

One of the first steps I consistently take is conducting thorough user research. This involves delving into user behaviours, needs, and pain points through methods like interviews, surveys, and usability testing. This approach has enabled me to establish a strong groundwork for creating a user-centered experience.


Competitor analysis has helped me identify industry best practices and points of differentiation.


User Personas and User Experience Map

Creating detailed user personas has proven invaluable. These personas provide a human face to the design process, ensuring that I keep the end-users perspectives in mind at every stage. Mapping out user flows and journeys has helped me visualise the entire user experience and spot potential pain points.















Prototype and Wireframing 

From there, I transitioned to sketching and wireframing in FIGMA, laying out the basic structure and functionality.


Usability Testing

Creating prototypes using FIGMA has provided me with the means to replicate user experiences and identify potential usability issues in the initial stages. Through user testing with these prototypes, I've received invaluable feedback that has led to iterative design enhancements. Additionally, I have compiled a comprehensive findings report to summarise these insights.


The iterative process hasn't stopped here or at launch; I've continued to gather user feedback and refine the product post-launch, ensuring that it evolves with user needs.


Throughout the process, maintaining open communication with the users has been instrumental in making informed decisions and delivering a successful user experience.



The incorporation of before-and-after snapshots highlights the progression through various iterations.

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