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Student Portal Development

User Research - Development 2023 - current

Overview & Background

Fairholme College is a prestigious educational institution known for its commitment to providing high-quality education and fostering holistic development in students. The primary goal of the staff portal redesign project was to enhance the user experience by making it more intuitive, accessible, and responsive to the needs of staff and teachers. This overhaul aimed to streamline academic and administrative processes, thereby improving overall engagement and efficiency within the school community.




The purpose of the Fairholme College student portal redesign project was to address several key issues with the existing portal, such as outdated interface design and complex navigation. The project aimed to solve these problems by creating a more user-friendly, modern, and responsive portal that would better serve the needs of students. By improving the portal's functionality and ease of use, the project sought to enhance communication, streamline academic and administrative processes, and ultimately improve the overall user experience.

Student Dashboard.jpg


User & Audience

The primary users of the redesigned Fairholme College student portal included students, parents, teachers, and administrative staff. Specific personas were created to ensure the redesign met the unique needs of each group:


1. Students: Ranging from junior to senior levels, students needed an intuitive and easily navigable portal to access their schedules, assignments, grades, and school announcements.

2. Parents: Parents required a user-friendly interface to monitor their children's academic progress, communicate with teachers, and stay informed about school events and updates.

3. Teachers: Teachers needed efficient tools for managing class schedules, posting assignments, grading, and communicating with both students and parents.

4. Administrative Staff: Staff members required streamlined processes for handling administrative tasks, managing student records, and coordinating school activities.


By addressing the specific needs of these diverse personas, the redesign aimed to create a comprehensive, functional, and engaging portal for all members of the Fairholme College community.


My Role & Responsibilities

For the Fairholme College staff portal redesign project, I was the main driver, wearing many hats throughout the process. My roles included conducting extensive research to understand user needs, creating and testing prototypes to ensure usability, planning the project timeline and resources, and organising focus groups to gather direct feedback from teachers and staff. I also designed and distributed surveys to collect comprehensive data, ensuring that the redesign was informed by a thorough understanding of the diverse needs of the Fairholme College community.


Scope & Constraints

The Fairholme College student portal redesign project faced several unique challenges. We operated under a tight timeline, needing to complete the project before the start of the new academic year to ensure a seamless transition for users. Additionally, with the limited timeframe, I had to carefully manage resources and prioritise key features to deliver the most critical improvements first. The project scope also evolved as we gathered feedback; initial user testing and focus groups revealed additional needs and preferences, leading to iterative design adjustments. Despite these constraints, we maintained a focus on creating a high-quality, user-friendly portal that met the diverse needs of the students.


My Process

1. Initial Research and Planning: I held meetings with students, teachers, and administrative staff to understand their needs and issues with the existing portal. This collaborative approach helped me identify key areas for improvement. I then created a detailed project plan outlining our objectives, timelines, and deliverables. Resources were allocated efficiently, and priorities were set to focus on key features within the limited timeframe.
2. User Research: To gather quantitative data on user experiences and expectations, I designed and distributed surveys, refining the questions based on initial responses to enhance clarity and engagement. I also organised focus groups with representatives from each user group to gain qualitative insights and detailed feedback. Analysing the collected data allowed me to identify common themes, patterns and specific requirements, ensuring that survey feedback was integrated into the process.
3. Prototyping and Design: I started by developing low-fidelity prototypes to outline the new portal's structure and functionality. Through an iterative process, I created high-fidelity prototypes based on initial feedback, ensuring alignment with user needs and project goals. Usability testing sessions with select users helped refine the design and resolve any usability issues, leading to a more user-friendly final product.
4. Development: During the development phase, I implemented the design with a focus on creating a responsive and intuitive interface. Progress was regularly reviewed against milestones, and necessary adjustments were made to stay on schedule. This ensured that the development process remained aligned with our project plan and objectives.
5. Quality Assurance: I conducted thorough testing, including functional, and usability, to identify and fix any issues before the launch. Ensuring compatibility across different devices and browsers was a priority.  
6. Launch and Training: As part of the planned strategy for the implementation of the new portal, training materials will be created, and workshops will be conducted to facilitate users' transition. Initial surveys have indicated a preference among students for receiving training through a weekly newsletter, which will be compiled to cater to their needs. The portal launch will be conducted in phases, beginning with a pilot group to gather preliminary feedback and make necessary adjustments. Following this, the portal will be progressively introduced to the entire Fairholme College community, with continuous support offered to resolve any post-launch issues that may arise.
7. Post-Launch Evaluation: Not available yet.
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